Jessica & Chris
Date: 12th Jan 2018
Gown: Dion for Brides
Florist:Kim at Plumm Wood.
Ceremony: Perth Registry office
Reception: My parents' garden
Catering: Innovations Catering who provided a 6 course degustation menu.
Chris and I had been talking about marriage for a while, and for most of 2017 the plan was that he would officially propose on a holiday we had planned for March. I had long dreamed of that ‘special’ proposal that would leave me swooning. However, the last four months of 2017 were very difficult for reasons outside of my control. He was so loving, caring, present and supportive that one lazy Saturday morning in December, I asked him to marry me before we’d had our morning coffee. He said yes. I asked if we could do it, like, right now. He said yes. And that’s the story of how we ended up planning a wedding in 32 days.
We married at the registry office in our city in front of 30 of our favourite people, then followed it with a beautiful afternoon tea at a café downstairs (The Louve) that stayed open after hours just for us. After tea and a break for photos, we headed to a catered reception dinner in my parents’ garden.
My night flew by. I loved the food, the wine, the speeches, being surrounded by my favourite people. Originally we had decided to hold the reception in my parents’ back yard for cost and logistical reasons, but in the end, I felt so unbelievably comfortable in my childhood home and proud of my mother’s amazing garden. Plus, our gorgeous family dog was there winning hearts all night. I couldn’t believe it when the clock ticked 2am and the last guests were leaving. And I’m usually in bed by 9.30pm. I had an absolute blast and wish I could get married every weekend!